Went to the Detroit Zoo today with Carrie and Jay. My parents got us a membership for Christmas. I've always thought Zoos were depressing, but then we went about a year an a half ago on a work outing--and it was pretty, and relaxing, and fun (yes, I said fun. lol. we all know how sparingly I use that word) Anyway...today we saw a red panda and the arctic ring of life display and the butterfly/aviary and penguin areas!
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Zoo fun!
Sunday, December 09, 2007
Smokefree abill passes in Michigan House!!
The win may be short-lived, however, unless the Senate can be persuaded to consider the
"We consider this an important first step in our fight, but we will continue to advocate for all workers to be protected from secondhand smoke," said Judy Stewart of the Campaign for Smokefree Air. (Rest of Free Press Article)
Saturday, December 01, 2007
food orgasm
However, I am a sucker for a peppermint and chocolate combo AND for limited edition or holiday treats. While the Joe-Joe's look like Oreos, they surpass them in yuminess---to the nth degree!!!!!!!!!! The chocolate cookie was Oreo-level quality, but what really shines is the pepperminty inside. The filling is sweet, light, and vanilla-y--not lardy at all. The BEST part is the candy cane crush
World AIDS Day
Thursday, November 22, 2007
I forgot my gender!
for the vast majority of people, their gender is such a large part of who they feel themselves to be (for many trans people as well, though others would dispute their “feelings”) that to “forget” it, is unthinkable. this simple statement, really says so much.
i know more than a few radical feminists who might take issue with it. they might argue that they could *never* forget their gender because of the world in which we live. and i’d agree, in the context of what we have to deal with in a day-to-day context. and i suppose that makes this piece all the more transgressive. keep up the great work!"
WCBN "Closets are for clothes" radio interview
Soooo, Gabe invited me to be on Closets are for Clothes (WCBN in Ann Arbor) and talk about TDOR and The Midwest Trans Youth Conference. It was pretty fun, although I was nervous since I never did a "real" radio interview. You can listen to it on podcast if you have itunes. If you go to http://www.wcbn.org/ and scroll down to the list of "WCBN Public Affairs Program" and click Closets Are For Clothes it will take you to the list of shows. It is the one that aired November 21st 2007. I'm near the end of the show, probably about 30-35 minutes into the show. :) Although nobody likes the sound of their own voice.....It was totally fun, and I'm glad that Gabe invited me!!!!
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Monday, November 12, 2007
Weekend Round up
Carrie and I have been working far too many 12 hours shifts so sleeping in on Saturday was very very nice.
Had a therapy appointment. I've been back in therapy again. Actually I've been going for a while now, but it's not stuff I talk about much on here. I suppose it helps to have a kink aware therapist. I also like that he's been part of queer history in the detroit area and manages his practice and activist work quite well. I can only really afford to see him twice a month, although I'm going about 3 times a month. It mostly just life transition stuff, partner of a person with a disability stuff, and the work/employee grievance which has put a huge strain on me emotionally.
Went to dinner with Gene, Jenn, and David. We waited a very very long time for very very good Italian food. :)
I ended up doing bar outreach later Saturday night at R & R Saloon in Detroit. It was very interesting. All of the employees were very very nice and I was happy to leave tons of safer sex supplies. It was a bit odd since I had heard things about a part of the bar called "The Pit" that wasn't open to trans people or women. That part was a little iffy...knowing the history behind all of it.
Sunday was also relaxing....i got some hot chocolate and went for a walk at a park/garden. I need more time for myself like that. *sigh*
Saturday, November 03, 2007
Links and Coverage
I also wanted to post some news stories and links related to Ian's story/life. Many of these news articles are less than ideal with the portrayl of his identity/life/story.
This is an article in the Holland Sentinal Paper
This is an article and some news clips from a local Grand Rapids (MI)
Here is a link to the Trans Youth Family Advocates website. Here there is more info on the Project Ian National Campaign.
A celebration of Ian's Life

I wanted to share part of what I read at the vigil:
My grandmother used to tell me a story about the stars. She told me that they are not stars but openings in the sky where the love of our lost ones pours through and shines down upon us to let us know they are happy.
Just as the stars may represent an opening for Ian to shine down on us….
I ask that we be openings here on earth be openings, a crack of light…a crack through which love, truth, compassion, joy, and peace can flow, spread and flourish.
How can be a crack of light in so much darkness? We begin by celebrating difference. We stop hiding difference where we don’t have to have to look at it or think about it. We stop “tolerating” or “accepting” difference, as if we’re so much better for not being different. Instead we celebrate difference. Exactly how we celebrate difference is for each of us to discover.
Ian and many of us in the trans community have gifts to offer like our deep sense of personal integrity and our ability to be honest about who we are. We help the communities of which we are a part of by emphasizing love, self-respect, and human dignity as core values. When we are free to be our true and authentic selves, we can’t help but remind others to be the best possible people they can be.
As we draw our celebration to a close tonight I ask that you think about all the words that were spoken here tonight. Now..I ask that you think of all the words living in your hearts and minds. All the words you have not yet spoken…. When you leave here begin to light up the world with your words of knowledge and compassion in Ian’s honor.
Speak for your family, your friends, your allies,
Speak for Ian
Speak for yourself.
Take time each day to celebrate Transgender people as gifts
And Remember: We are all gifts
Take time each day to celebrate Transgender people as beautiful
And Remember: We are all beautiful.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
State News LGBT & Tobacco Article
So there was a really poorly written article on the front page of the State News today on our 2 year community tobacco survey. Unfortunately the article was framed in this "LGBT people use tobacco and is that a stereotype? or true" Sheeze. Of course the article didn't present any research from journal articles or even include anything about targeted marketing by the tobacco industry. I sometimes forget that folks in some oppressed communities are fearful of discussing any community "issues" or "Problems" or anything that might be perceived in a negative way. I also have seen this in some of the DV/SA work I have been a part of.
Friday, October 26, 2007
BTL Breast Cancer Article
Here is a link to an article on Breast Cancer in Between the Lines. They asked me for some info. It's not horrible, of course, except for the "transgendered" part. *sigh*
Transgendered men who have undergone a mastectomy still have breast tissue, warned Knoll Larkin, health and human services coordinator for Affirmations in Ferndale. "They will still need to do breast self exams."
After three months, transgender women who take estrogen should start doing breast self-exams, he said.
People who visit the Affirmations community center can pick up leaflets and brochures with tips about living well.
"There are certain health risks lesbian and bi women have that may put them at increased risk for breast cancer," he said. "They are less likely to bear children or will often have children later in life. This puts you at higher risk. Using alcohol or smoking can put you at a higher risk. Being overweight can also be a factor."
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Employee Grievance
So, I am formally filling a grievance at work to advocate for my own (trans) health benefits. This is the first time that anyone at my employee has ever filled a formal grievance with the Board of Directors.
I am really struggling with who to appoint as my representative. I have a few people in mind. Unfortunately folks have told me that some of the people that I want to represent me might be too biased (other co-workers, my partner.....). It's going to be difficult to make a decision by this Friday.
The process goes like this:
-I send letter and info on my case to board president
-Board president appoints chair of committee reviewing case.
-Another person from the executive committee is appointed to case.
-I select my representative
-Committee meets and gets input from me and others on case
-Committee has 30 days to make a ruling or recommendation and share with board president or CEO.
I'm seeking out other who may have gone through a similar process for input, advice, or feedback.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
August 2007
Saturday, August 04, 2007
Aids Walk
I've decided to walk this year in AIDS Walk Detroit with Affirmations Team 203. I'm asking friends, family, and colleagues to sponsor me by making a donation. Every little bit helps and it's quick and easy to do online. Every dollar we raise for Team Affirmations comes right back to the center to support the work we do around HIV/AIDS.
Steppin' Out's AIDS Walk (Detroit) goal is to help agencies like Affirmations help people living with HIV and AIDS by assisting the agencies where state, federal or other funding does not. Without your help, Affirmations' HIV/AIDS programs may cease to exist! Thanks...and remember HIV/AIDS is EVERYBODY's business.
Please visit my personal web page and help me in my efforts to support AIDS Walk Detroit. Thanks for your support.
Saturday, June 30, 2007
I heard back from the folks at UM CGS. It's been about 5 months and after calling Blue Cross myself a few times and getting frustrated, I thought I would check back in. It took them a while to get back to me....but the message was slightly encouraging...First, their director is following up directly with BCBS....and they mentioned that another person who has the same insurance and submitted the prior approval at the same time as me just heard back and they approved them. I am seriously over analyzing this news. Does this mean mine has been denied? Does this mean my case has a better chance of being covered???? I'm worried and obsessing...again. I keep thinking as soon as I hear...if the answer is yes...and they approve it....I could have surgery around my birthday. Lucky 28.
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Call For Zine Submissions..Again.
We’ve had lots of requests to put out another issue of our zine (folks can only whack off to the same thing for so long..LOL). So we’re back at it again, and would love it if you wanted to submit anything dirty, kinky, theoretical—or all the above to the project.
The format and content is very much the same. (Still made by and for sexually-charged/sex positive, anti-assimilationist transgender and genderqueer people and those who l

We’re going for a more accurate name (genderfuct: erotic and scandalous tales of gender non-conformity) for a bit wider appeal. We had so much fun putting together the first collection and know it’s going to be a good time again. Hope you’ll consider being a part of it *wink* Feel free to check out the first edition/project to get an idea of what this one will look like http://www.trannyzine.com/
Close to 1,000 words or less
Deadline June 16th-18th 2007
Submit to Knoll.Larkin@gmail.com
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Thursday, May 24, 2007
A couple new developments in the life of Knolly
-Carrie and I are back at it again--working on another issue of the zine. It looks like we'll be making no major style/content changes---but changing something that feels just as major--the name. I think we're both wondering if we're compromising too much...and at the same time we know it may increase readership.... Regardless, I've got a lot of writing to do in the next 3 weeks, if we're going to meet our deadline of getting issue No. 2 out in time for the Allied Media Conference. I'm looking forward to participating in the sessions and having a table as well. Also, Affirmations Trans Youth Group's session on trans youth in indie media got selected--so they'll be presenting as well. Woot!
-Carrie was selected to serve as co-chair for the creating change host committee for Creating Change 08 (Detroit) This is a pretty big undertaking. Lots of meetings..lots of planning. :) I've decided to join the programming subcommittee--focused on recruiting and brining together presentors to submit proposals showcasing unique projects, collaborations, activites happening locally.
-Jay is coming to visit sometime in June. He's coming in for a surgery consult, and to hang out with us, of course!
-This summer I have an intern working with me. She's amazingly thoughtful and productive. It's going to be a good summer people!
-This weekend we're considering going to an art workshop on printmaking...sounds fun and I was thinking it might help with some zine promo....
-Yesterday I met with Jillian who is working on this online zine project. She's featuring a little story about theLGBT communities of size meet up I'm putting together. All right...I'm off to get ready. trying to get into work a bit early....
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Monday, May 14, 2007
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
cool blog site
This is a cool site I'm adding to my blog links page. From the independent publication "Critial Moment" a collection of radical blogs from the southeastern Michigan area.
Critical Bloggers
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
I survived organizing my first health fair!
Much of my time the past month has been dedicated to organizing our annual LGBT health fair. Thankfully the even was a success. Although this is the only picture of me taken that day. I thnk the look on my face says it all..."when will this all be over??" LOL