Friday, April 24, 2009

Graphic Novels

***I already posted this as a facebook note a while back, but I know there are some folks that read this and not facebook. Here goes again****

Hey everyone....I'm looking for some good graphic novels

I've never been a fan of comics in the traditional sense so I've always stayed away from graphic novels. Then, last year, I read "Blue Pills: A Positive Love Story" by Frederik Peeters and feel in love with the story and the medium. I consider myself a "wordy" person and find myself very impressed by how much emotion, story, etc. can be told with so few words and a powerful image.

Thus far I've read:

-Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi

-Blankets by Craig Thompson *AMAZING*

-Fun Home: A Family Tragicomic by Alison Bechdel

I highly reccomend you check out these great books! And now....does anyone have any graphic novels you would reccomend to me?????


1 comment:

Max in Exile, or how I learned to love Detroit said...

The king of all graphic novels is the Collected Sandman by Neil Gaiman. It/they (not designed as a graphic novel, these were comic books released over a span of 3 years) are brilliant, disturbing, thought-provoking, deep, and dream inspiring. I highly recommend them... I read them over and over again. Comics is a fantastic medium for me...
Others that I absolutely love:
V for Vendetta
The Dark Knight Returns
and the Buffy:The Vampire Slayer collected works.
Have Fun