Sunday, May 27, 2007

Call For Zine Submissions..Again.

Sometimes I do silly things, like post everywhere else but here with the call for submissions. duh. Anyone interested, let me know. :-) (Feel free to pass along to anyone else who might be interested)

Call for submissions:
We’ve had lots of requests to put out another issue of our zine (folks can only whack off to the same thing for so long..LOL). So we’re back at it again, and would love it if you wanted to submit anything dirty, kinky, theoretical—or all the above to the project.

The format and content is very much the same. (Still made by and for sexually-charged/sex positive, anti-assimilationist transgender and genderqueer people and those who love them.) Still featuring articles, essays, photography, poetry, and erotica, etc. We're open to most mediums--the dirtier the better.

We’re going for a more accurate name (genderfuct: erotic and scandalous tales of gender non-conformity) for a bit wider appeal. We had so much fun putting together the first collection and know it’s going to be a good time again. Hope you’ll consider being a part of it *wink* Feel free to check out the first edition/project to get an idea of what this one will look like

Close to 1,000 words or less
Deadline June 16th-18th 2007
Submit to

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Thursday, May 24, 2007


A couple new developments in the life of Knolly

-Carrie and I are back at it again--working on another issue of the zine. It looks like we'll be making no major style/content changes---but changing something that feels just as major--the name. I think we're both wondering if we're compromising too much...and at the same time we know it may increase readership.... Regardless, I've got a lot of writing to do in the next 3 weeks, if we're going to meet our deadline of getting issue No. 2 out in time for the Allied Media Conference. I'm looking forward to participating in the sessions and having a table as well. Also, Affirmations Trans Youth Group's session on trans youth in indie media got selected--so they'll be presenting as well. Woot!

-Carrie was selected to serve as co-chair for the creating change host committee for Creating Change 08 (Detroit) This is a pretty big undertaking. Lots of meetings..lots of planning. :) I've decided to join the programming subcommittee--focused on recruiting and brining together presentors to submit proposals showcasing unique projects, collaborations, activites happening locally.

-Jay is coming to visit sometime in June. He's coming in for a surgery consult, and to hang out with us, of course!

-This summer I have an intern working with me. She's amazingly thoughtful and productive. It's going to be a good summer people!

-This weekend we're considering going to an art workshop on printmaking...sounds fun and I was thinking it might help with some zine promo....

-Yesterday I met with Jillian who is working on this online zine project. She's featuring a little story about theLGBT communities of size meet up I'm putting together. All right...I'm off to get ready. trying to get into work a bit early....

Monday, May 14, 2007

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

cool blog site

This is a cool site I'm adding to my blog links page. From the independent publication "Critial Moment" a collection of radical blogs from the southeastern Michigan area.

Critical Bloggers

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

I survived organizing my first health fair!

Much of my time the past month has been dedicated to organizing our annual LGBT health fair. Thankfully the even was a success. Although this is the only picture of me taken that day. I thnk the look on my face says it all..."when will this all be over??" LOL