I got word that I now have a faculty sponsor from the School of Public Health (1 official and 1 unofficial sponsor) for my independent research beginning in Jaunary.
I'm sure I'll elaborate more on this; the details still have to be worked out in November. The work will be related to community based participatory research (CBPR), community-academic partnerships with LGBT health and social service orgs., LGBT reaseach ethics, and CBPR ethics, etc.
I'm also planning on taking a course or two this winter or spring/summer. UM pays 75% of the tuition for me as a staff member. I have a good sense now what I might need more work on to prepare for a post-masters fellowship, doctoral work, or just more responsibilty at my current job.
Both of these things make me very, very happy on this sunny fall afternoon.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Knoll's brain wakes up...
Drexel University School of Public Health Launches Program for LGBT Health
The Drexel University School of Public Health has launched a major academic research center focusing on the health disparities and health behaviors of LGBT people and communities: the Program for LGBT Health. Drexel joins an exclusive roster of universities in the United States where an academic unit has been established to conduct LGBT research, training and advocacy in a public health framework. Only a handful of such programs exist that specifically aim to improve the health and well-being of LGBT populations.
The Program for LGBT Health is designed to address health and wellness issues of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people through research and evaluation, education and training, partnering with health and social
services providers, and public health policy and advocacy. The program will leverage the expertise of faculty and professionals in multiple disciplines at Drexel University, as well as experts from outside the university. A
significant feature of the program will be curricula leading to a Certificate in LGBT Health Awareness for the school’s graduate students.
More information at
Monday, October 12, 2009
Wanted: Mammologists
One of the faculty I work for/with contributed to an Op-ed piece in the New York Times published today. I had wondered, in a more abstract way, about treatment expereinces for folks with breast versus gynocologic cancers. Brings up some useful info I was unaware of about training if medical residents. Very interesting.
"The breast is something of an orphan in our health care system. We have cardiologists, nephrologists, hepatologists, proctologists and neurologists — but we have no “mammologists.” How did the breast get lost?
Women with breast cancer get lost in the mix, forced to make several different appointments, sit in various waiting rooms and see multiple doctors. In most cases, a woman with a breast problem will start with her obstetrician-gynecologist, who will then refer her to a surgeon (for a biopsy) or a radiologist (for a mammogram). The referring obstetrician-gynecologist may never see or hear from the patient again, and may not know if she kept her appointment or got adequate care.
Contrast this with the care given to women with gynecologic cancer. Because there is a subspecialty of gynecologic oncology, women see the same doctor from diagnosis to post-surgery follow-up. Breast malignancies outnumber gynecologic cancers 10 to one, and yet we have no subspecialty for breast care....
The whole article HERE
Thursday, October 08, 2009
Sign of the times...
In a scene that spoke volumes about the despair of one of the nation's poorest cities, about 50,000 Detroiters descended on downtown to pick up 5,000 applications in hopes of enrolling in a federal program that pays a few hundred to a few thousand dollars to low-income residents to help pay rent and utilities.
In fact, some 60,000 residents applied for the aid over two days, although the city will only be able to help about 3,400 families.
Detroit received $15.2 million from the Homeless Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing Program that helps pay rent, utility assistance and security deposits for families with incomes of less than $35,500. In Detroit, that's 58 percent of the households, states the U.S. Census.
Wednesday, October 07, 2009
City of Kalamazoo adds 760 new voters before election
October 07, 2009, 6:48AM
Jon Hoadley, campaign director for One Kalamazoo, the organization formed to push for passage of the nondiscrimination ordinance, said the group has been working to register new voters. “Staff and volunteers had voter registration forms on hand in the office, at events, and in key locations around the city like Western Michigan University and Kalamazoo College,” Hoadley said. “We definitely made a concerted effort to register more voters at as many events as we could.”